Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Life with 3 daughters, a husband and a house!

So here is post 2! Wow I actually made it to post no 2 and didn't just leave it with 1 post! What an accomplishment for me lol. Well heres a little back story on things in our household right now. My hubby has been unemployed for awhile now and we having been living off of unemployment which has been hard but hubby makes sure that the kids don't know that our money is a lot different then it was before so we have still been managing to do the things we did before which is amazing and surprising to me. Most people who lose their jobs and are on unemployment don't get to keep the lifestyle they lived before. Well my husband is really good and knowing what to buy to fix up and resale for a profit THANK GOD cuz we wouldn't have made it without that skill. Anyways there are some things that have changed like daddy doesn't go to work everyday and stays home with mommy. So spending everyday and going everywhere together has definitely made us a lot closer which i thought would have driven us nuts being in each others face all the time but our relationship is 100 times better than it was before. I have a whole new perspective of my husband and he has changed in soo many ways. For 1 he is soo much closer with our 3 daughters than ever. These girls love having him around everyday and anytime he leaves they wanna go or they will freak out when they watch him walk out the door. I swear it used to be me that they couldn't be without but that is soo different now. For 2 he is much more into making me happy and keeping our relationship good. His focus is now his wife and kids instead of his friends which I love but I feel like his 'Guy" needs more attention. He is around 4 girls all day and rarely goes out with his friends which he says is ok but i know it gets to him. I think he feels like that if he isn't working that he shouldn't be out away from his family. I'm working on trying to convince him that our separate grown up times are still needed. So what I originally wanted to write about was my experience yesterday! So lately he has been out helping his dad grow his business and me and the girls have been home alone. Well yesterday I got a gift card in the mail and decided that me and the 3 girls would journey out to go shopping for craft supplies for my online store that I recently opened. Well it was not as easy as it sounds, you see usually when i go out with the kids my hubby is there to help with our rowdy girls. Not this time though lol. It started with panicking in the car on the way there praying to god that they would be good girls and make it a fun and easy trip, that soo did not happen. Of course i decided to go when it was suppose to be nap time so they were CRANKY to say the least. They were throwing fits on the floor, crying for me to hold them. They were grabbing stuff off the shelves and throwing them in the cart and on the floor. I had my 8 year old who thank goodness was there because she could help with them but they don't listen to her so it was still craziness! To think that I actually consider having a 4th baby ahhhh. My lil ones are 3 and almost 2 and they are not quiet or calm kids AT ALL! I wonder if there are other moms out there who feel the same way as I do when out shopping? I love shopping but dread doing it alone with the kids and I feel like I should be able to handle it better than I do. I would love to learn some tips on handling little ones when shopping and dealing with tantrums on the floor. So anyways if anyone is reading this thanks for taking the time to hear me rant on about my life with 3 daughters, a husband and a house!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Life with 3 daughters, a husband and a house!

So this is my first blog ever and I'm really excited and hopefully it sticks! With the crazy life that i have it seems like I start things and are never able to complete them. I don't know if i could necessarily blame that on having 3 lil kids but I guess its just easier lol. So i try to be crafty and creative but for some reason my mind wanders when i try to concentrate and nothing ever seems to be good enough. I keep telling my self that when my 2 youngest are older (they are 1 and 3 now) I will be able to do more craft things that i enjoy but who knows if that will be reality? I see moms that have 3 and 4 kids and still manage to do things that they enjoy and i ask myself...What am i doing wrong? Well I'm not certain if i can answer that. I try to put my kids on a schedule but then it always seems to get messed up some how. I feel like a lazy mom a lot of the time as i write my lists for what needs to be done knowing most of it wont get done at all. People tell me that its ok to not be perfect and that its ok if things don't always get done but all that matters is spending time with your kids. Well i try that and i get frustrated cuz something is messy and i cant concentrate on my kids when the dishes are filling the sink or the laundry pile is staring me down saying WASH ME!!!! Well this is my resolution for 2011, Take the time to do it all! I know that if i put my mind to it that i can do it ALL! I want to be that mom that spends time with her kids and gets the chores done on time but also makes time for herself to do the things she enjoys doing! So if nothing else this blog will be my way to vent when I'm frustrated cuz the kids are screaming and there are toys everywhere and hubs is saying "I'm hungry!" So if nobody sees this its ok because its my personal therapist and if you are in the same position I'm in then maybe it will help a mother out there that thinks she is alone in being overwhelmed by being a mom, wife and woman all at the same time! So if you see this thanks for reading and know that life goes on and its ok if the house is dirty as long as you are happy, the family will be happy too! Thanks!!!